Frequently asked questions
How do I place an order?
You can easily place an order by adding the desired product to your shopping cart. Once you have added the desired product, you can review it by clicking on your shopping cart (top right corner of the screen). You can then choose between proceeding to payment and viewing your shopping cart. Choose 'Proceed to payment' or, by first viewing the shopping cart, click on 'Proceed to checkout.' You can now choose to create an account, log in, or proceed without an account (if you are already logged in, skip this step). Fill in all the required information and proceed to the addresses section to choose the desired pickup or delivery location. Then, choose the delivery method and proceed to payment. During payment, you can once again choose between our payment methods. Select your preferred method and complete the payment. You will receive a confirmation of your purchase from us. Therefore, always check your email to confirm that the order was successful.
How do I return a product?
Check our comprehensive return page for a clear overview and the withdrawal form.
Which payment methods can I use to pay?
You can pay with the following payment methods: Visa, Bancontact, Maestro, PayPal, iDeal, Tikkie, American Express, and Cartes Bancaires.
Is international shipping available?
Yes, but different shipping rates apply for international orders. For more information, please check the shipping page.
How will te products be shipped?
We use the MyParcel shipping method. Please check the 'Shipping' page for further information.
Where can i find my invoice?
You can find your invoice within your email and order. You can also go to 'your account,' click on the 'orders' section, and download the invoice there. Please note! You can only do this if you have created an account.
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Submit your question here, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.